초청강연 Invited Speech

Experience Design for Life Companions

김진우 교수

연세대학교 경영대학


  • 연세대학교 상경대학 경영학과 경영학 학사 (BBA) 1986.2.
  • UCLA 경영학석사(MBA) 1988.6
  • CMU 이학석사(MS) HCI 전공 1991.2.
  • CMU 박사(Ph. D.) HCI 전공 1993.5

주요 경력

  • (現)연세대학교 경영대학 교수
  • (現)주식회사 Haii.co.kr 대표이사
  • (現)LG 전자 기술자문, 현대 자동차 기술자문
  • (現)ACM SIGCHI Steering Committee Member
  • (前)한국 HCI 학회 학회장
  • (前)연세대학교 학술정보원장
  • (前)다음 커뮤니케이션 이사회 의장
  • (前)삼성전자 기술고문, SK Telecom 기술고문

주요 연구 분야

  • 컴패니언 테크놀로지를 위한 경험디자인
  • Digital health를 통한 Caring Companion에 대한 경험 디자인
  • IoT환경에서의 Home Serving Companion에 대한 경험 디자인
  • 자율주행차 환경에서 driving companion을 위한 경험 디자인
  • 온라인 환경에서 Learing companion을 위한 경험 디자인
  • 오프라인 환경에서 Exercising companion을 위한 경험 디자인


In the past, we had been surrounded by many human companions who share activities with us, who involve social relations with others, and who knows us well. Companions include but not limited to husband and wife, sisters and brothers, and good old friends. However, these human companions have become less available recently due to numerous cultural and economic reasons. The lack of life companions leads to serious social problems, such as depression and suicide. In order to cover up the lack of human companions, Digital Companions have been suggested such as Pepper and Jibo. In this talk, I would like to present a conceptual model of digital companion that includes pre-requisites and core components of ideal companions. The conceptual model is composed of seven core technologies. This talk will explain the seven technologies and present video clips from SF movies that clearly exhibit future direction of digital life companion.

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